
陸炳雄博士祖籍廣東,出生於香港,移居加拿大40多年, 在安省唸高中。年青時,當過不同行業的基層工作,有很多機會接觸主流社會人士,後來,他創辦了加雄集團,提供移民,翻譯、公證及旅遊一條龍服務!

提供翻譯、移民、諮詢旅遊等服務, 至今已超過32年。


陸先生熱心公益,當義工超過35年, 曾獲加拿大政府頒發英女皇鑽禧紀念勳章,安省RBC top 25 移民大獎。在SARS和COVID-19 大流行期間, 都有捐贈物資和款項到不同慈善機構,不忘回饋社會,是年輕一代的好榜樣。

三十多年的經營,建立了多個社區平台,事業上不斷的發展,陸炳雄博士人生經歷豐富, 這網站就是將他過往的記錄片段收集在一處,繼續收錄新的影像,希望和大家分享和認識他。

Dr. Anthony Luk

Dr Anthony Luk was a native of Guangdong Province, China. He was  born in Hongkong and moved to Canada when he was 16. An immigrant for 40 plus years, Dr Luk is now an established business entrepreneur. He is currently the President of Canhome Enterprise with offices in Canada and China.

A business man with a passion for the community, Dr. Luk has been a community volunteer worker for over 35 years. His contributions have been acknowledged   with awards like the Diamond Jubilee Medal, RBC Top 25 immigrants , Acce Community Service award  and more.





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CISN Inc. 加雄移民

4002 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 438 , Scarborough, Ontario Canada M1S 1S6

Tel : 416-609-8828

Email : enquiry@cisni.com